Modern Academy Senior Secondary School

Modern Academy Senior Secondary School, Shakti Khand 1, Indirapuram

  Plot Number- 9, Shakti Khand 1, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad

Online Admission Form

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Key School Stats

Ownership Private
Board ICSE
Year of Establishment NA
Co-Ed Status Co-Education
Campus Size NA
Campus Type Urban
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Fee Structure

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Academic Stats

Classes Offered Pre-Nursery - Class 12
Language of Instruction English
Academic Session April to March
Student Faculty Ratio 20:1
Ghaziabad Ratio : 21:1
Total Faculty
Ghaziabad School
This School
School Format Day School

Admission Dates

Poll & Opinion

Admission Criteria & Eligibility

Documents required at the time of application/admission

  • Transfer Certificate
  • Birth Certificate
  • Residence Proof
  • Photograph - Child
  • Photograph - Parents/Guardian
  • Marksheet/Report card (if applicable)
  • Valid Passport
  • Category Verification certificate
  • Aadhar Card - Child
  • Aadhar Card - Parents

Additional Notes

1. Written Entrance test of Maths and English for Class 1 to Class 5, Maths and Science from Class 6 onwards.2. For residential proof, parents can provide copy of Passport/ Telephone Bill/ Electricity Bill.

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School Results

Not available
Previous year results are unavailable at this moment. Our team is on a mission to seek this information.


  • Available
  • Not Available
  • Information Not Available
All Facilities (11/39)
Class (0/3)
Boarding (0/2)
Infrastructure (1/4)
Safety and Security (1/3)
Advanced Facilities (1/5)
Extra Curricular (2/7)
Sports and Fitness (4/9)
Lab (2/3)
Disabled Friendly (0/3)
  • AC Classes
  • Smart Classes
  • Wifi
  • Boys Hostel
  • Girls Hostel
  • Auditorium/Media Room
  • Cafeteria/Canteen
  • Library/Reading Room
  • Playground
Safety and Security
  • CCTV
  • GPS Bus Tracking App
  • Student Tracking App
Advanced Facilities
  • Alumni Association
  • Day care
  • Meals
  • Medical Room
  • Transportation
Extra Curricular
  • Art and Craft
  • Dance
  • Debate
  • Drama
  • Gardening
  • Music
  • Picnics and excursion
Sports and Fitness
  • Skating
  • Horse Riding
  • Gym
  • Indoor Sports
  • Outdoor Sports
  • Swimming Pool
  • Karate
  • Taekwondo
  • Yoga
  • Computer Lab
  • Science Lab
  • Robotics Lab
Disabled Friendly
  • Ramps
  • Washrooms
  • Elevators
Poll & Opinion


Parents Quallification
Following & Shortlisted
No of parents following this school
No of parents shortlisted this school
Salary Bracket
Below 2 lacs
2-8 lacs
8-25 lacs
25 lacs & above
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Address & Contact

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Frequently Asked Questions

The monthly fee is Rs. 4,595 for Nursery which is Rs. 728 more than the average of the city schools. Whereas Ghaziabad's average fees for Nursery is Rs. 3,867. Check Modern Academy Senior Secondary School, Shakti Khand 1, Indirapuram fee structure. You can track dates of other schools using Ghaziabad schools admission dates.
Yes, Modern Academy Senior Secondary School, Shakti Khand 1, Indirapuram is now accepting applications. You can contact the school here Contact Now. You can track dates of other schools using Ghaziabad schools admission dates.
The following documents are required at the time of admission:
1. Transfer Certificate
2. Birth Certificate
3. Residence Proof
4. Photograph - Child
5. Photograph - Parents/Guardian
6. Marksheet/Report card (if applicable)
7. Valid Passport
8. Category Verification certificate
9. Aadhar Card - Child
10. Aadhar Card - Parents
It is important to look for safe environments especially for younger children. They have installed Security cameras in their premises.
No, Modern Academy Senior Secondary School does not offer a hostel. This is a day school. Explore list of boarding schools in India.
Yes, this school provides buses to pick and drop students. Learn more about facilities at Modern Academy Senior Secondary School, Shakti Khand 1, Indirapuram. You can track dates of other schools using Ghaziabad schools admission dates.
Some of the co-curricular activities are:
1. Art and Craft
2. Picnics and excursion
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